Cardas or Virtual Dynamics power cords? Opinions?

My system is Ayre Acoustics C5, K1, and Monoblocks. Speakers: Sophia 2s. I am considering new power cords. Which will give me the most benefit, 4 Cardas Golden Reference---or 3 Virtual Dynamics "David 2s" on preamp and amps + a Virtual Dynamics Revelation (old vers.) on CD player?


I really appreciate your comparison of the Revelation and the Dominus. I have not heard a Dominus and have comments on it that are all over the spectrum.

I have had my Revelation SCs in my system now for a bit more than 100 hours and they are still improving, especially in debth and air around images on the soundstage. Speakers completely disappeared long ago when I replaced the Russian Sovtecs with appropriate NOS tubes - Telefunken, Amperex and RCA mostly. As they settle in over the next few days they should improve signifantly. Then over the next 100 hours the improvement will be gradual but noticeable.

Fplanner, All of us will be interested in your take on the Genesis vs. the Revelation after the Genesis has settled in.


John and Ed,
When I put new balanced Revelations in my system it took a good 3-4 months for them to bloom. Speaker cables of course should be quicker but be patient you will be rewarded.
Oh I almost forgot, no such thing as break-in, it's all a myth 8^).
BTW: The first time I tried to install the Rev bi-wired SC I broke a speaker terminal. Up side, I replaced all the terminals with Cardas gold plated copper. Seemed to help the sound a bit.
My Revelations 2 Biwire has probaly 400+ hours on them.
I am very glad I purchased them.Everyhting sounds in balance.
Connecting them up is a bear . I am using on the speaker end Cardas spade/banna adapters and it really helped in the hook up.

On another note, I was trying to seperate the biwire speaker ends from the magnets drawing together. I have been using Vibrapods to do that.
Talking recently to VD however , they say some people are putting some sort of metal between the magnet speaker biwire ends. The magnets then snap together with the metal bewteen.
He says some have expressed it as a tweek.
I found that beer bottle caps works great for that. Problem is, you have to drink 4 beers to complete the project tweek.

I see in your system that you have PAD Dominus interconnects and VD Revelation speaker cables, an interesting combination indeed. Have you thought about going all one way or the other? I know Rick Schultz recommends a full VD rig. I'm sure Jim Aud of PAD feels the same way. It might be an intruiging combination of PAD and VD, assuming you get the best properties of both.

The dynamics and power of VD with the soundstage and ease of the PAD........hmmmmmm....intruiging indeed.
Of course I guess the possibility of getting the power and dynamics of the PAD and the soundstage and ease of VD is also a possibility. :(

Gentlemen,break in is a fact of life with VD cables and seems to be even longer with the higher level cables. Jmcgrogan2,you are on the tip of the iceberg when you consider that the REV is new and your amp is just starting to push through it.As far as soundstaging,it will take at least 400 hours before the cables start to relax and show the soundstaging they are capable of. To say that they throw a huge stage and make the speakers completely dissappear,really,doesn't tell how powerfully musical the recordings can be.The Genesis cable sets a whole new level of resolution and musicality,space that goes back way beyond the rear wall, width that completely destroys walls and height that fills cathederals organs in complete space.I am sure that PAD is an excellent cable but the VD is capable of so much more.A fully broken in system will bend your mind as well as the ear!As RJA stated "it 3-4 months for them to bloom"-Cheers Dennis