FM antennae recommendations please?

Hi everyone, I had a Terk FM-Pro and it wasn't quite right for my situation. I live in NYC on a low floor with my windows facing other buildings. I need an antennae that is very good with multi path problems. I have the Musical Fidelity A3 tuner, connected by an Harmonic Technology Pro-11 AC power cord plugged into the Monster HTS-3500 power conditioner with H. Tech. Truthlink Silver interconnects. I would appreciate any feedback and recommendations
I have the Fanfare antenna mentioned above, I haven't compared it with anything else but I feel I have very good reception. No complaints with it's performance.

I moved it to the peak of my roof about two months ago, this improved the performance even greater. I purchased a longer, quad-shielded, cable from Radio Shack, thanks to the wonderful help and guidance from here.

One of my concerns about installing it on the peak I chose was that we get a lot of snow build up at times and wondered what would happen if it was buried. When this last storm blew through, not only was it being buried, but bent. By the time we were able to clear snow from it, the antenna was bent so it was facing straight down! The whole time performance never diminished. When the snow was cleared it popped right back up.
You guys are the greatest. Thanks for the tips. I just remembered that I have one of those little "pyramid" antennae's in my closet, so I'll dig it out and try that until Sean tries the Magnum this weekend. Sean, is it the same one that Audio Advisor carries for $90? Please keep me posted on how it goes. Anyone ever tried one from Antennae Performance?
BTW, you can read user reviews of both the Fanfare and Magnum Dynalab antennas, they are basically the same, the MD is a copy of the Fanfare, at, look under tuners.

Quick links:

Fanfare FM-2G:

Magnum Dynalab ST-2:
In response to Sean's suggestion about the BIC Beam-Box: no offense to Sean, but I bought a BIC Beam-Box many years ago, and they aren't much of an improvement over a wire dipole antenna. In the late 1980's, one of the audio mags did a fairly thorough test of FM antennas, both indoor and outdoor, and the results for the BIC were pretty poor. Having said that, if anyone wants my BIC Beam-Box (which has been sitting in a box for 12 years), drop me a note and and I'll send it to you for just the cost of shipping.
Martin- I don't know much about the technical aspects of multipath but it seems to be that you are going to need some kind of "tuneable" rig because the multipath problem is going to vary from station to station. And it may be that a tuner which has adjustable bandwith, fine tuning ability (if its digital) and good multipath rejection is going to be just as important as the right antenna. Maybe check with Sedond, he seems to be one of our resident tuner (tuna) experts. Take this with a grain of salt if you know otherwise; I'm really just speculating.