Kind of a dumb question...

If you own two pairs of ICs that are not of the same quality, is there a rule of thumb as to which one should be used between the source (CD player) and preamp versus between the preamp and amp? I know someone out there is going to tell me to experiment and come to my own conclusion, and I'll do that. But I'm curious to know if there's a general rule of thumb.
My thought is to use the better cable between pre and amp because then all sources will benefit from the better cable. my 2 cents
If you can hear an audible difference between one configuration and the other then this will be an important health check of your system! An audible difference almost certainly means you have a problem either with your system or one of the interconnects is faulty.

Well designed, well matched and properly functioning audio equipment should not change audibly with different interconnects.
Thanks for the input.

Shadome - I haven't gone totally over to the audiophile dark side, but even I can hear the difference in (some)cables. The question for me has always been - is the difference significant enough to justify the cost of the upgrade! Nine times out of ten I have to say "no".