help identify IC's

Can anyone help me identify an old pair of interonnects. They are one meter XLR.The termination end has a logo and says Custom Hand Terminated by the Silent Terminators.I also see the word Neutrik on the end. thanks,ken
guys,guys please don't get into a riff over this. i did see the faint writing on the cable after I posted my question. They are gold reference. The shrink is indeed grey with neutrik.One pair had the writing but the other does not. Can I assume these are factory installed? I had a buyer cancel the order just b/c of no writing. If anyone is interested I'll sell the pair for $400 shipped.I have them listed for more but you guys have been very helpful. Thanks very much! ken
Ken, from the photos, these look like they were chopped and cropped cables. Quite common with Cardas cables. Someone buys a 2-5M length of Cardas cables, then cuts them up and re-terminates them. That's why you see the plain jane gray heatshrink. Good luck with your sale.
makes sense. i just don't recall when I got these so i have no clues. thanks,much appreciated. ken