Changing power conditioner stock power cord

I have not seen this thread yet on audiogon. Pls point to me if such question has been asked before. Currently I m using an exact power conditioner. Is wondering whether changing the stock powercord will improve the sound, and not merely changing the sound. Your opinion is much appreciated. Happy listening
Anybody out there has tried it with differentPC and like it? Anybody has tried audio horizon transparency PC with Exactpower or APS purepower ? TQ for responding
Taking Audioblazers thread to the next logical step, if the chord into your conditioner does make a real difference, perhaps it is the chord you should spend the most on. Changing that lifts the whole system, not one component. That is a question not a suggestion by the way.
David12: True enough about that cord affecting the whole system. It's equally true of the cords on the power and pre amplifiers as well.