Kubala Sosna and Virtual Dynamics - Similar??

I have gone through the Forums and checked on the comments and write-ups on both brands. Both are rated highly, especially for the KS Emotion and VD Master and Revelation ranges.....

I would like to know how similar these cables are in terms of sonics for Speaker cables and Power cords...

It seems that VD is hugely popular at the moment and KS is used by a select few....

Where I am, there is no dealer available, therefore I have to rely on your comments and suggestions...KS doesnt allow international trials and have not checked with VD..

Similar Products used:
Kimber BiFocal XL
DIY PC's with Furutech Gold IEC's
Running dedicated 32 amp lines

Not similar in my opinion. Based on somewhat limited experience with listening at shows, which is not the best way to evaluate either product, KS is full and rich sounding and VD is detailed and a little bright, in my opinion. I have less experience hearing VD than KS, so there is always the question of whether I was hearing was more due to the electronics and the speakers. The rest of the equipment was unknown to me, so I don't have any baseline for how this equipment normally sounds, but that room was bright. KS cables definitely have a full, rich, smooth sound.
I had an all Kubala Emotion cables on trial.
Power cords, spkr cables, interconnects.
To me, with my system ,ears and music, the sound was kinda of dead in the upper frequencies. They had good bass and midrange but without the upper end I could not get into the music.
Some say the Kubala dont sizzel the high end like other cables do and that it was sounds different. I think they actually mute the high end, high freq instruments lose there smack and feel.
Perhaps it was a impedance mismatch with my speakers and the Kubala cables or something like that.

They must sound good with other systems though because many others rave about them.

I own VD Power cables and speaker cables and to me for a copper cable it has great high end extension, of course along with bass, midrange, soundstage and all the things we hold dere.
They replaced silver Speaker cables.
Thank you Rayhall and Ozzy for your responses...

Ozzy...some questions...I see in your system you have the Master and Revelation series products....apart from better high end...were the two products "similar" in terms of bass extension, midrange and soundstage...

To get the "highs" you wanted...did you replace both the VD PC and SC at the same time?? Or did you replace one first and then the other....Basically, I trying to find out which one had the best effect first..

Lastly, is the Emotion series comparable to the Master or Revelation in terms of performance and cost?

Thanks again for your comments...and oh...Troy and David who sent me messages off line...
No special order. I bought the 20 Amp Master Power cord for my Hydra 8.

I am mixing Purist Cables with VD. I beleieve they synergize very well .

About a year later, I was trying to figure out what to use as Speaker cables . I wanted the Purist Dominus , but they are way too pricey. I came across a deal on the biwire 10 foot new Revelation 2. I dont regret it.

I have a Purist Dominus C power cord to my APL 3910 and a Purist Dominus C balanced interconnect from my APL to my Pass Labs x350.5 Amp.(No preamp) I also have the new Purist Anniversary Power cord on my Pass Labs Amp.

The Kubala is not the same type of cable.
Cost wise they are probably comparable.
Sound ,different spectrums.
The Kubala would be descibed as a midrange cable.
If your system is on the bright side or should I say highly analytical, they would be great.