Questionable Estate Auction practice

Yesterday I attended an auction with high end equipment.
I won a pair of speakers but after all the items in the setup, (turntable, amp, pre-amp, cassette deck, cd player), were sold as individual pieces, the auctioneer restarted the bidding as a set. This starts the bidding at the total price bid for all the items. As a result someone bid on 'the set' so all the individual bidders were SOL. I was not willing to go that high to get the speakers, (I didn't want the other items). So I lost the speakers even though I bid the highest. I was upset and I'm not sure if this practice was even legal. Anyone ever here of this? BTW-Speakers where Apogee Duetta II's.

I agree that, as a practical matter, there's no use pursuing the auctioneer. I just want to refute the suggestion that, just because you're not out of pocket any money, you don't have legal recourse when someone refuses to sell you an item he agreed to.

It would be more effective to write a letter of complaint to the Better Business Bureau or, if one exists, to a professional association of auctioneers.


Agreed. Very amateurish (or deceptive, depending on your point of view) not to explain out loud to everyone in attendance the unusual ground rules of this auction, before the bidding started. A lot of resentment could have been avoided - evidently the OP wasn't the only disappointed "winning bidder" of an individual piece of equipment.
We do this in bankruptcy court auctions from time to time, but the rules are spelled out very clearly in advance, and everyone who qualifies to bid consents to the process. It's a smart way to sell, and is fair as long as everyone knows about it.

Whether it is legal in your state if not disclosed in advance is a matter of local law.
I was trying to point out that it's rarely as easy as "take him to small claims court". Even when you have an "open and shut" case; like when I have a client that does not pay a bill for work they ordered and for which they received value, it's very rare that you can get satisfaction in small claims even when you are actually out real $. IME, a contract (written or verbal) for the kind of amounts we are talking about, is rarely worth more than the personal commitment that both parties have to honor it.