Help Do I have fake van den Hul Mainsstreams?

I just checked the van den Hul site. They have posted a warning there about fakes on the market. It seems to mostly describe the ones I have. (One's that were purchased through Audiogon, I believe.)
But then it gets weird. The site says the US fakes don't have ground pins. Mine do. Alright, so, maybe, they were reterminated. But it gets more confusing. The site says the fakes' writing doesn't capitalize the "V" in van den Hul. Mine have the "V"s in lower case, so, case closed, right? They're fakes. Not necessarily. THE PICTURES OF THE CORD ON THE VAN DEN HUL WEBSITE SHOW THE LOWER CASE "V" THAT THE SITE SAYS ONLY THE FAKES HAVE. What does that mean?
Also, van den Hul's own site says the Mainsstreams have a "catalog number" (or, whatever it is) after the phrase "Halogen free". But, again, the ones they show don't seem to have that. In fact, I haven't found a picture, yet, of the "real ones" they describe.
I was once a van den Hul dealer, by the way, and am familiar with their "house sound". And these cords sound like van den Huls. In fact, they have even beaten out some high quality competitors during comparisons.
But, I can't just adopt a, "Well, heck, they sound good. What's it matter?" attitude because van den Hul goes on to say that use of the fake will "likely" destroy my equipment and, possibly, ELECTROCUTE me. This is due in part, they say, to their very shoddy construction. Mine seem to be built like tanks, though, have been used successfully for years, and still sound and work great.
So, what do I do, now? Throw mine away? But, still, what confuses me the most is that van den Hul seems to have the fakes they describe pictured on their own site! What gives? Help!
I wouldn't worry about them damaging your equipment and electrocuting you. That would be nearly impossible.
Rwwear - I'm a bit confused by your post. Why do you say that it would be "nearly impossible" for a poorly constructed electrical power cord to damage equipment or cause electrocution?
I'd like to see for myself, but the pics aren't readily findable on the Van den Hul site. Can you post a link?
From your feedback, I gather you bought them from Audiohobby, correct? If so, yes they are fakes, frauds from China or Korea. He sold hundreds of these on the internet. If the jackets are a urine yellow with a greenish cast, and smell like cheap PVC, they are fake. The real ones are a dusty gold color. The Wattgates will both say 320 on both ends--that is wrong, and they are fake and dangerous plugs.

If you open one up, you'll find the screw terminals are cheap junk that hardly hold the wire. Also, the fake ones have bare wire ends, whereas the real ones have small silver clips covering the bare wire. The fakes are made from fake silver-coated garbage wire; not plated through the special process vdH uses with ultra-pure & highly-smooth silver.

If they are 5 foot lengths, they are fakes. They come in 1.5 meter, which is not 5 feet.

They may work fine, even sound good, but the risk is there for fire, shorting, etc.