PC: Synergistic Tesla, Lessloss, Transparent MM

Hello, I currently have a Lessloss power cord to arrive in about 10 days. Besides the Lessloss PC, I've been reading and thinking about the great user feedback on the Synergistic Research Tesla line, and some strong user feedback about Transparent's MM. I'm trying to restore some of the cyrstalline clarity to the upper mids and highs (planar tweeter) of my Reimer Wind Rivers, while still maintaining the "meat on their bones" (the bass weight, mids fullness). I don't like cables that impart any leanness.

Will try the Lessloss on my Blue Circle BMPH integrated, replacing the Audience PC.

Any of you compared SR Tesla, Lessloss, or Transparent PC's?

Also thinking of trying the Lessloss on my PS Audio Premier if the system's upper clarity is not improved enough with the cord change on the Blue Circle integrated.
Thanks, Foster
I purchased a Lessloss cord and it out-performed cords; costing 3 times as much at $500.00. If you guys don't act on this new price you will never know what you are missing and you will have a few bucks in your pocket. I would thank Lessloss for this promotion. If you like what you hear now with this cord, you have the opportunity to enhance your system better with another cord at a discount. I've never seen another company offer a deal like this.
Just purchased one this morning. I can see how I would be PO'd had I bought one last week at full price when I was thinking about it, (I ended up pulling the trigger on a Synergistic T2 instead), but hopefully it delivers the goods.
I would thank Lessloss for this promotion.
Jimman (Threads | Answers)

New buyers can feel good that the price of the cord has been lowered; they are getting a better deal, great value. I agree with Jimman and Tvad that it's an excellent product.

Old vs New Lessloss customers will look at this promotion from a variety of viewpoints however, some positive, and some negative.
I purchased 3 Lessloss powercords in Jan/08.I DO NOT have dedicated lines.The difference in sound compared to other cords greater and lesser in price, i.e. fully balanced sound, with deeper, more transparent bass, midrange that puts the singer in the room, and sweet extended treble, blacker back grounds, and nice deep soundstage. I would bet that if you heard my system, you'd think they were on dedicated lines. I haven't had those changes from any other powercord in MY SYSTEM. All amp/preamp cords are plugged into the wall. Hopefully, this general opinion about the powercords will give you an idea about this product....as usual...YMMV
This is my thoughts on this, I bought two when Liudas was running the 500 special due to delays in manufacturing. I went with LessLoss after Tvad and others wrote some fine things that these PCs do for your gear. When they arrived and i un boxed them i was very impressed by construction and fit and finish. I was even more impressed when i installed them for use with my Nuforce amps. I my case a great combination. I wont repeat all of what we who have these fine cables already know, sound wise. Its not a perfect science this audio hobby we love. I think these PCs will survive the deprecation. Like the stock market we who paid the higher price will have to weather the storm. If these cables are as good as we know they are the price will return and so will your investment. Sit back and enjoy your favorite music and hang in there.