Speaker Cables for SET Amp

What type of speaker cables sound best with SET amps? Thin, Thick, Copper, Silver, or a combonation?
concierto speaker cables offer a delicate, natural presentation. Like the transparent, they can be costly. Finding them used is nice because they are not as well known as transparent. The cost comes down enough to give them a try. They are hard to find – limited supply out there. I have the concierto baby grands in my theatre; they were my mains until I picked up a used pair of concierto violin bi-wiress. They use quality material, and are built well. Bottom line is that they sound so natural with tube amps. They are nice with solid state in my theatre where I like a bit extra detail. For tubes and music, they bring detail without harshness. Very smooth… anyway…
I have the Concierto Violin speaker cables,all the interconnects, and all the power cords,but I just have baby grands on my sub, but with that line up minus the sub a violin I can tell you that it's hard to imagine how much more can I get wright out of this system.These cables are true high end, and they make a 80g. system sound like a 80g. system. I wanted that anolog sound ,and i got stately presentation with no edge and a milk shake midrange. I just can't wait till I get the sub Concierto violin cable. Being in the game for 40 plus years, I can tell you that these cables are for that high end pallet that knows anolog sound , smoothness,great bass,and natural soundstaging. I'am proud of this system. Thanks Larry.
Robert, thank you for your post. You suggest a cable with characteristic impedance about the same as the amp's output impedance. My understanding is that this will minimize standing waves and reflections. To achieve ~4ohm Zo the cable would have high(ish) capacitance IF a goal was to keep inductance very low. My understanding is that it is very important to keep inductance low with high efficiency speakers to minimize energy storage in the cable. My understanding is that higher capacitance affects some solid state amp's more (instability and oscillation) but not so much zero feedback SET amps, but that high capacitance may cause HF rolloff. Do I have this straight? What would be the max capacitance you would match with zero feedback SET and high efficiency speakers?