I own a pair of Wilson Watt Puppies 5.1's driven by T+A electronics from Germany. I have owned cables from Transparent (Reference XL's), Synergistic Research (X Series and X2) and most recently before switching, Nordost Valhalla's. Now let me say that these cables have all sounded different in my system delivering strengths where others had weaknesses and visa versa. I have initially been attracted to a cable and it's sound only to miss a strength from the previous cable so I was the preverbal dog chasing its tail in a circle- no perfect cable exists or so I believed.
I recently tried Synergistic Research's new Tesla Series cables in my system. My first audition was for two pairs of Accelerator interconnect and one pair of Accelerator speaker wire to go head to head with my Nordost Valhalla interconnects and speaker wire. Now mind you the Tesla cables all combined cost less then just one pair of the Valhallas, so I did not expect much but that's the cable my dealer had to loan at the time (The Cable Co.) so I gave them a listen- WOW. These cables had the speed and inner detail of the Valhallas, and the bloom and sound stage of my old Synergistic Research Designers' Reference Active, and the musical mid-range and sweetness of my old Transparent cables but with a sound field that is ADDICTIVE. To put it simply these cables sound like no other cables I have ever heard and I have auditioned many cables over the years. I have since upgraded my Accelerator speaker cables to Precision Reference and I am going to try Apex interconnect and Precision Reference interconnects as I feel these cables represent audio nirvana. I have just never heard cables that present such seemingly opposing strengths and do so with state-of-the-art performance. Warmth, detail, speed, bloom, pinpoint imaging, natural harmonic structure, musicality, and an amazing holographic presence like no other. Your results may vary (but I doubt it) however one thing is certain. Before you plunk down your hard won cash on expensive cables you must listen to them in your system first, and for at least one weeks time to let them settle in, and Synergistic Research Tesla Series should be on your short list. Then let your ears decide. BTW if your dealer will not loan cables for you to try perhaps there is a reason.