Wilson owners Call of Duty

What is best match for Wilson Sophia 2? Transparant Ultra MM or Cardas Golden Reference?
Hi all,

I have a pair of Wilson Sophias (not 2s unfortunately) driven by Lamm M1.2 hybrid mono blocks. Preamp is Ayre K-1xe. Sources are Ayre C-5xe and SME 20/2 / Graham Phantom / Dyanvector XV-1S / Aesthetix Io Signature.

I started with 100% Transparent cables: PowerIsolator MM PCs, Balanced Reference (MM technology) ICs & Ultra (MM technology) speaker cables. The base was totally awesome and the tonal balance was fine. But they did not provide the deep and high soundstage I was looking for and they did not have the 3-dimensional imaging within the soundstage I was looking for. After a year of living with them in my system, I tried Virtual Dynamics Revelations PCs (not 2.0 then), Masters balanced ICs and Purist Audio Aqueous Anniverary speaker cables. The PCs were in a dead heat with the PowerIsolators so brought nothing different. The Masters balanced ICs improved both soundstage width and depth and imaging, were just as dynamic with excellent tonal balance and gave up only a little base. The Aqueous Anniversary speaker cables supported a wider, deeper soundstage, had more air and better imaging, the highs were to die for, but they sacrificed a good bit of base.

Next I substituted a pair of VD Revelation speaker cables. These brought back 90% of the base and gave the music a fuller, richer sound, more like real instruments and voices without seeming to sacrifice anything.

Then I tried one Purist Audio 20th Anniversary power cord on my preamp. It immediately improved everything, putting the musicians with their instruments and voices in the room with us. So I replaced all of my Transparent PowerIsolators with 20th Anniverary PCs (except I still have the Revelations powering the Io Signature), which made a big difference.

Next, I replaced the VD Masters between the C-5xe and the K-1xe with a VD Revelation 2.0. Huge step up in everything. Much less digital, much more like analog. Made CDs, especially SACDs much more like LPs.

Then I replaced the VD Masters between the Io Signature and the K-1xe with a PAD Dominus. Again a big step up. Vinyl leaped way ahead of digital once again.

My experimentation with cables continues.

Just one man's opinion and one man's ears with different cables in his particular system and room.

Best to all,

Hi Khyrs,

No problem here, your opinion is valued, and I appreciate your advice in the post above. Thank you for taking the time to respond. Transparent cables have a stellar reputation but are likely out of my current budgeting strategy.

Due to financial constraints because of the need for a different amp in my system, the audition includes the PAD Venustas loudspeaker cable; PAD Opus balanced interconnect (Ayre AX7e CD player to ARC LS26 preamp); and PAD Venustas RCA interconnect (from ARC PH5 phono preamp to ARC LS26). Currently own Cardas Golden Cross interconnect (using between amp and preamp). So far, these cables are working out extremely well, and Albert has been extremely patient & gracious to provide an extended demo due to some recent issues with my equipment (nothing to do with cables or interconnects) which led to quite a bit of down time. These cables will also be synergystic with all amps which I plan to demo during the upcoming months.

The prior cables I owned would likely be categorized as entry level by cable enthusiastes; the PAD Venustas and Opus have made a significant impact in soundstaging, imaging, and more refinement in the highs/mids/lower octaves. And the price is right.

By the way, you have an extremely enviable system. I hope to own WP8s one of these days, and still intend to give the MacCormack DNA500 an audition because of your opinion.
Ed (Cipherjuris), your cable odyssey is very interesting. Sounds like you've attained an enviable synergy but I'm wondering why you didn't try Transparent cables in the same league (and price) as VD Rev 2.0s or PAD Dominus?

Interesting that you didn't go VD or PAD (or new TA) all the way like most do. How did you decide where to put what? I'm wondering if I should try mixing cables.

Mcrheist, like I said, you can hardly go wrong with PADs at any level but if you like your Cardas Golden Cross, definitely try Golden Reference which IMHO is a significantly under-rated cable. And do try the McCormack DNA-500 although I recently found the T+A A 1530 to be another remarkable performer for even less $$$ than the DNA-500!!
Hi Khrys,

I didn't go all the way with any brand after the TA because I wanted to try different brands in my system over an extended period. With PCs I was already at the top of the TA line, and I didn't go further up the TA line in ICs & SCs because I had already listened to everything in the TA line at my dealers and knew the TA house sound. I was looking for improvement in imaging and depth of soundstage that I just could not get with TA. Moving up the TA line yielded noticeable bass improvement - TA is the best in bass.

Deciding where to put what mostly has been a result of opportunities available on Audiogon and focusing on what I thought was the weak link in the system at any given time.

I keep trying to find cables that provide the bass and dynamics of the TA with as good or better tonal balance and much better imaging and soundstage. Along the way, I've discovered interesting differences in perspective -- some cables are more forward, some more laid back, some warmer, others cooler, some seem to render voices, acoustic guitar and violins more realistically, others render piano better.

The journey continues!

Ed, thanks for your insights. I'm probably a few steps back but I suspect I might be following your footsteps.

I look forward to your continuing odyssey.