Wilson owners Call of Duty

What is best match for Wilson Sophia 2? Transparant Ultra MM or Cardas Golden Reference?
Been through the mill over the last 8 years and have found the MIT Oracle line to be exactly as you described on your wish list!! There is an A'gon supplier for MIT wth deep discounts.
I regret to say that I have changed my cables with ''Acrolink, Furutech, Oyaide'' Only cable left ''unchanged'' is Vandenhul ''Supernova''. This is a sad matter for American Cable manufact. Simply because my all American system depends on %80 jap. cables, %20 Dutch cables. Reliability matter of American made cables is a open debate. Very Sad.
and replaced Vandenhul Supernova with Transparent Reference SC MM. Please god forgive my sins,,,I resisted so much, so much but there is a certain synergy I don't know how.
Mert... Welcome to the dark side.. you can't explain it to anybody but there is a certain synergy that just works! Now if only I could save up enough to step up to MM!
Transparent sounds very good to me, it didn't cut the harmonics and well matched with acrolinks