What is my weakest link?

My gear: All Ayre CX7e, K5Xe and V5Xe. Speakers are Maggie 1.6 and Cables are VD master series balanced ICs, AQ bedrock biwire, Cardas golden PCs. Front end is plugged into a 10-12 year old powerwedge 112 and it actually has it's stock powercord still. The speaker cables and powerwedge are carry overs from an old system.

The master's are new, replaced Cardas golden presence and really brought things to a whole new level.

I'm trying to figure out what to replace next. I eventually want to upgrade speaker cables, power cords and power conditioner but I don't know which would give me the biggest improvement in sound.

AQ bedrocks ----> VD Master series or Revelation biwire
powerwedge 112 ----> RSA Haley or Ayre LX5e
Golden PCs ----> not 100% sure yet but most likely more VD stuff.

what are your thoughts?

sorry perhaps my wording wasn't too clear either. 'Eventually' as in I can't afford to replace all three at once so I'm doing them one at a time.

I actually think I answered my own question yesterday. I unplugged a PC from the powerwedge and that outlet cracked in half and a good portion of the plastic insulator came off. I moved the plugs to another outlet.. but it's loose in the wedge's case.

That can't be a good thing!
Get yourself a good power conditioner. Something that will isolate the digital from the rest of the gear, oh and put a better plug in the wall and take your cyroed out and put it in your new power Cond. if it's better than the one that's in there or move it to where your amp is pluged in.
Keep the amp off the Power Cond.
I would audition a regenerator to use on the low current gear;sources/pre. I don't like them for amps. I could not live w/o what mine does. Especially to the image.