Does the"quality" of jumpers affect the sound?

I'm presently using Reality Cables and for the first time I'm using jumpers on my Tyler Sigs.
I had a run of Kimber 4TC from a previous system lying around which I took to a local audio store and had jumpers made.
Would a "better" jumper cable equate to better sound?
Like four inches of wire will make a difference? This stretches credulity to its limits.
Like four inches of wire will make a difference? This stretches credulity to its limits.

LOL. Unfortunately Pbb, this fairly rational viewpoint is not widely accepted in these forums. Despite the fact that speakers have hundreds of feet of wire inside them, you can expect to be lambasted for such a radical suggestion.
The first upgrade from the brass bars that come from speakers to real jumpers can result in sound improvement. After that, I don't really know.

There is a school of thought that suggests you match the size(width) of the jumpers to that of your speaker cables.
If you don't believe that splicing a four-inch piece of inferior wire into your primary speaker cable run will effect the sound, then no, jumpers made from the same cable won't make a sonic difference. Use the brass bars. Whether using expensive jumpers make a big improvement, I can't say. I will say that inferior connections can certainly degrade the sound.