Ryder, The stream of information is not AC and not analagous to the voltage information before encoding into digital, i.e. numbers. The numbers (information) are carryied to the next stage and then decoded back into an analagous varying voltage + or - and amplified to drive the speakers with AC current.
Bob P.
Bob, please treat this as a healthy discussion.
I am confused by your explanation. We all know that the bits are in ones and zeros(information). The question that remains is whether there is current flow in the cable. I have read from sources that AC current do flow in digital cables. Before this I had known that there must be some current to transport those bits(information) to the next stage.
Your argument is that AC is non-directional. If that's the case, how do we explain on the findings by Robert Harley in Stereophile? My logic is simple. If what he wrote is true, then this will apply to speaker cable as well. By the way, it's AC current in speaker cables am I right?
I would be glad as well if any EE would care to clear things up for us.
To the interest of the original poster, if you would care to google on "cable directionality", there are quite a few sites that touch on this article, mostly cable manufacturers. It's interesting to note of Russ Andrews claim of having verified the benefits of cable directionality with their engineers using advanced equipment and technology, but unfortunately didn't provide any technical evidence to back that up.