Tired of Expensive Speaker Cable. Alternatives?

I'm once again changing speakers, so I'll need two sets to shotgun biwire. I'm tired of seeing the prices asked, and the recommendations made, for multi-thousand dollar products.

I don't know if I'm interested in going the Home Depot extension cord route either, though.

What about low-moderate priced wire that sounds good without the high price tag? Something full, big sounding, extended without being bright, with a good soundstage?
Well, Reference systems don't mean all that much to me. You have to know your gear. I find that a lot of mastering people that are responsible for a part of the sound of these record we all listen to , may have a really odd room, speakers we don't all like, a "lower end" turntable, etc.

While they have good, hopefully transparent and detailed, full range gear, a lot of it wouldn't make the cut in a "high end reference system" from an audiophile.

There is a lot of very expensive stuff out there which doesn't sound that good as well.
Wilson isnt really as hi-end as it is hi-price, I thought you knew better Bill.
Stringreen, but I'll bet that picking up women is easier with the Mercedes, rather than the Honda :-)
>>I'll bet that picking up women is easier with the Mercedes, rather than the Honda<<

Fatparrot, I think that would largely depend on who's driving.

Stringreen. I was on your side till you slammed my 320:) You should have gotten it in alldrive - that is kickass in the winter.