Power Cord Revelation

Help me understand. I just upgraded my Rega Saturn stock power cord with a VH Audio Airsine. My God!!! I'm still shaking my head in amazement. I'm now a believer that the PC is the most important cable, starting with the source component.
I agree with Mootsdude too. I put a Fusion Audio power cable on my cdp and was absolutely amazed at the increased detail and dynamics. I did not however hear as much of an improvement with adding power cords to my amps but I expected that.
Tboooe, The Fusion Audio power cable (Enchanter) is full-bodied, organic and liquid in the midrange. I'm getting the Synergistic Tesla T2, T3 and Precision AC power cords from The Cable Company and going to do a comparison.
joey. I would GREATLY appreciate your comparison between th FA and SR. What are you using this PC for? Have you tried PC on your source or pre? Did you find PC to help on the amps?
I have the Fusion Impulse on my preamp and the Predator cords on my VAC monoblocs. Although I heard a bigger improvement with the cord on the preamp, there was still a noticeable improvement with the amps. The synergy of them all was a complete enhancement of my overall system.