Suggestion on interconnects

I am using JMlab diva utopia hooked up with cj premium12 and 15, onix cd player. I mostly listen to classic music. Clarity and space are most important to me, any suggestion on some entrylevel ic I shall try? Many thanks!
I have owned cables from Nordost, Transparent, Shyunata, Audioquest, and Tara Labs. Many of these cables were quite expensive (Valhalla, Reference XL MM, etc) None for me, and in my system, had the clarity, air, and decay into a holographic three dimensional sound field like the new active Synergistic Research Tesla cables. Not even close.

You might want to call The Cable Company so you can audition different cables from different manufacturers-a few listening experiments should take you to your goals.
Leica man could achieve said results plus being in the presence of music being made with MIT Oracle dot 2 or MA cables.
>>Any MIT will outperform similiar cables!<<

Cables are system/user dependent and claims such as this clearly display a lack of understanding regarding the subject.

There is no universal best for any system; buy that which is most pleasing to thee.
Cable recommendations are very difficult to make as each system is different and what works for one system does not necessarily mean it will work in another system, additionally, everyone has there own tastes as to what sounds best to them. Each of these recommendations are very sincere and I am quite sure it works fine within there systems and they are quite happy. I have always found that the MIT cables have had a particular synergy with what ever system I have owned, It seems to be due to these cables having selectable network boxes which enable you to match the impedances of your electronics as well as addressing the many additional interactions between your electronics and speakers, enabling you to extract the optimum performance your electronics and speakers are capable of. This correct matching can often make MORE of a difference than changing other pieces of electronics. I suggest you find a dealer who will let you AUDITION the MIT cables within your price range in YOUR system, I am pretty sure you will be quite impressed and your search should be over. In addition, because of our crazy hobby we tend to change electronics quite often in search of the holy grail, one great advantage of the MIT cables is that if you do make a change, you can adjust the impedance of the interconnects to achieve maximum performance with your new electronics, thus saving the cost of a new set of cables to help match your new electronics or speakers. Of course you will probably upgrade to the more expensive Mits, but that is the nature of our hobby.