I'll take a shot at this, there is no true better or worse, only different. I've owned Jena Labs Symphony and Valkyre cables and found them to be very good with the right components. They tend to lean toward the warm/sweet side of neutral, if this is what you are looking for. They will sound great with components that lean toward the transparent/lean side. FWIW, I no longer own them, as my components are a tad warm, and I want more speed/transparency out of my cables. Not Nordost speed though, as I've also owned the Valhalla and it was too thin for my system, though I'm sure it would work well in others.
It's really all a matter of system balancing. If your system sounds a bit bright/thin/lean side, I would highly recommend Jennifer Whitewolf Crock's cables.
It's really all a matter of system balancing. If your system sounds a bit bright/thin/lean side, I would highly recommend Jennifer Whitewolf Crock's cables.