Need to warm things up a bit...

My new LAT-1000 speakers were lush and musical right out of the box. However, in recent weeks they have lost a bit of this, and dare I say it, sound at times almost brittle in the upper mids and highs.

firstly, may this be a break-in thing with the speakers? They have about 150hrs on them at present, I thought that should be enough.

secondly, what speaker cables can I try to warm up the highs/upper mids? Currently using Siltech LS-188 Classic Mk2.

My speaker cables are bi-wire setup, and I have both sets spades connected to a single binding post on the speakers,(as speakers only have one set binding posts);is this ok for performance? I can't see how that would cause a problem...

Opinions please...
Expensive but will warm your sound. Use Cardas anything- ICs or of course better yet speaker cables. Stay above the " crosslink " except the one that says Neutral or something like that. I have a pair of old 2 meter IC s between my pre and mono blocs. The older Golden reference which was a very high end set. You will be astonished that they actually warm up a harsh system.
i must differ on the cardas cable. i have owned cardas cable for many years. they are not warm. the company is aiming at neutrality.

it is very hard to find any warm cable. i am on the lookout for such cable. i have reviewed many cable produtcs. i have only found two company's products that i can live with, namely element cable signature copper line cords, element cable signature speaker cable and soundstring interconnect cable.
I'd try the MAC palladiums ICs instead. I bought a pair for pretty much the same reason and was very impressed with the difference. More musical, less harsh. Basically the cables are modifying the sound. In other words, they aren't neutral. I proved this by buying a second pair and adding them to the ends of the existing ICs in my car. They had the same effect.