Winstonsmith, yours is a very informative post. Thanks for the information you bring to bear, which highlights the controversy well. I must say, however, that I wonder why you went so far as to say, "If people want to waste their hard-earned cash on such products, let them. If they think they heard a $34k difference, I'm not going to tell them otherwise." I heard the Wavelength $350,000 amp at CES and regretted that I did. It was incredible and there was no way I could even consider it. I don't think necessarily that people are "wasting" their money, especially on say the Siltech cords. If they can afford them, more power to them, especially if they can hear the benefits. I do know some who buy for appearances, but I know very few of these.
Nevertheless, your post does attack the irrational and illogical arguments of many of those who hear no differences. I have always wondered why they bother posting as they convince no one. You may well have the answer.
I am always, unhappy that they seek to wrap themselves in the cloak of science when few have any understand of what it means other than a few concepts in electrical engineering and a vague notion of what the placebo effect is about and of concern to some scientists.