Thanks for such a nice post. It is most appreciated, especially your kind words. And please let me apologize for being somewhat forceful in my approach previously. I was a little too harsh here and there, and that is simply unacceptable. Again, I apologize. This apology also certainly extends to Dlanselm for his sharing something not everyone would. Thank you for that!
'Goners are really awesome folks who work together to share and grow this great hobby of ours. We should be supportive of one another, or at least exceptionally gentle in our criticisms. I failed that standard miserably by my postings, which could have been much nicer in tone. Forgive me, all of you. I won't let that happen again.
As for your comments, Shadorne, regarding relatively impecuneous folks who may be taken advantage of by slick marketing and superb salesmanship at the dealer, I share your sadness at someone being taken advantage of. But we are grown ups and should take responsibilty for our actions. Nevertheless, a part of me completely agrees with you about how this can be somewhat tragic when folks are taken advantage of in this way. But as long as they are happy with the outcome and not being legally defrauded, I say let them have their fun, even if the 'Emperor has no clothes'. Lots of people believe stuff with all their hearts that I cannot agree with, and for which there is no scientific evidence. Those shows about 'Ghost Hunters' are particularly annoying.
But we live a wonderful, fully FREE country, the best in the world IMHO(despite some recent slip-ups), and it is this freedom, the freedom to even act silly and foolishly, that makes this country so damned GREAT!
So let's celebrate together in this fabulous forum such as we have here in the 'Gon. Let's support one another, and most respectfully agree to disagree when contentions that are mutually inconsistent pop up here and there. I want EVERYONE to get great sound, and to help us get there, there's more than enough good audio gear and opinions to go around, as far as I'm concerned. And by freely sharing our opinions and experiences we enrich the entire community of audiophiles, and thereby help advance the state of the art, which is in everyone's best interest.
So thanks again, Shadorne and everyone else, for your posts. They are thoughtful and enriching. I appreciate them.
Same to Tbg, BTW. Always thoughtful and rational, your posts illuminate and educate. In fact, thanks to all you 'Goners, because the community here is GREAT! We all deserve a little pat on the back for helping to make it that way!
Thanks for such a nice post. It is most appreciated, especially your kind words. And please let me apologize for being somewhat forceful in my approach previously. I was a little too harsh here and there, and that is simply unacceptable. Again, I apologize. This apology also certainly extends to Dlanselm for his sharing something not everyone would. Thank you for that!
'Goners are really awesome folks who work together to share and grow this great hobby of ours. We should be supportive of one another, or at least exceptionally gentle in our criticisms. I failed that standard miserably by my postings, which could have been much nicer in tone. Forgive me, all of you. I won't let that happen again.
As for your comments, Shadorne, regarding relatively impecuneous folks who may be taken advantage of by slick marketing and superb salesmanship at the dealer, I share your sadness at someone being taken advantage of. But we are grown ups and should take responsibilty for our actions. Nevertheless, a part of me completely agrees with you about how this can be somewhat tragic when folks are taken advantage of in this way. But as long as they are happy with the outcome and not being legally defrauded, I say let them have their fun, even if the 'Emperor has no clothes'. Lots of people believe stuff with all their hearts that I cannot agree with, and for which there is no scientific evidence. Those shows about 'Ghost Hunters' are particularly annoying.
But we live a wonderful, fully FREE country, the best in the world IMHO(despite some recent slip-ups), and it is this freedom, the freedom to even act silly and foolishly, that makes this country so damned GREAT!
So let's celebrate together in this fabulous forum such as we have here in the 'Gon. Let's support one another, and most respectfully agree to disagree when contentions that are mutually inconsistent pop up here and there. I want EVERYONE to get great sound, and to help us get there, there's more than enough good audio gear and opinions to go around, as far as I'm concerned. And by freely sharing our opinions and experiences we enrich the entire community of audiophiles, and thereby help advance the state of the art, which is in everyone's best interest.
So thanks again, Shadorne and everyone else, for your posts. They are thoughtful and enriching. I appreciate them.
Same to Tbg, BTW. Always thoughtful and rational, your posts illuminate and educate. In fact, thanks to all you 'Goners, because the community here is GREAT! We all deserve a little pat on the back for helping to make it that way!