Helix or Alpha

I owned a Hydra 8 should I look for a Helix or Alpha version power cord for my CD player? Thank in advance!
The Anaconda is the best but the Python Helix almost gets you there. It is the best value in the Shunyata lineup. Still expensive IMO but a good one. You should be able to get one used for $700-$775? I would not hesitate to get one. The Shunyata powercords were made for the Hydra's.

The supply cord always gives the rest of the system most of its sonic signature.
Very true, the Python helix is surprisingly close to the performance of the Anaconda Helix. G.
Python Helix all the way, I say for hydra and cdp for sure. I'd put one on amp to and if budget is a concern put the diamond back on the pre. Just reccomendations not knowing your system. This is what I did at first now I have python helix on all and have too many cords, good news got a new system on the way, bad news now I need some 20 amp cords and most of mine are 15 amp.