Alextychkin, Unless your speakers have to be bi-wire my experience is you don't really gain a lot there from just a good speaker cable. That being said, I highly reccomend you get power cords first accross the board. You really need to audition them to make sure you like it. I auditioned several and found some to be nice and warm when plugged into certain components and found them fine in another. I found one line which was good all around though expensive I'm buying all shunyata. It is very warm and natrural and really seems to bring out the best in the cj gear I have. I found several other power cords not much less in price to be to dynamic quick and in my face which just made me want to turn the volume down. So depending on your taste you will do much more improvement on cords first then interconnects and speaker cable. I've actually auditioned all in the past week and its been fun becoming a believer in cords, never thought of it before I got this same advice recently. Trust me you haven't heard the cj or musical fidelity until you match them with a better power cord. Hope you have a dealer who will give you some stuff to try. let me know.
good luck
good luck