Cables for Conrad Johnson and Proac D25 system

Hello, everyone
I am looking for your recommendations on speaker cables and IC's for the following system:
1. Conrad Johnson CA-200
2. Musical Fidelity CD 308
3. Proac D25 speakers

Currently using QED siver anniversary bi-wire and Alpha Core IC's. The music I listen to is 95% instrumental. Primarily ethnic percussion driven type (indian raga's and Middle Eastern), big orchestra, lots of electronic ambient, some classic jazz. I can't detect anything wrong with the current cabling, except that my concern is that the current cables (being clearly mid-fi) are limiting the potential of my components.
If you want to surprise yourself, then listen to DNM Reson speaker wires and ICs.
Actually for the price just buy them. Get the original ones, not the new bi-wire
ones. Then look at PCs. Concert Sound in Austin, TX is the source for the wires.
I have a CA200 plus other CJ amps. If the Pro Acs are in anyway bright, these
wires will show that. They are neutral.
If anything, the CJ/Proac combo is a bit dark (nicely so), and a bit of extra sparkle would be good. The last thing I'd want is a dull, rolled-off-in-the-highs result. I've yet to hear a bright British speaker.
The DNM Reson will open things up and takes away nothing. I was shocked as I replace very expensive and highly regarded cables with these.