is there a consensus on too short speaker cables?

I normally use 6 ft cables - which are in abundance used. 8 ft seems to be more common. I'm going to get new cables and intend to go with 5 foot length - since this is as long as I need. My only reservation is given the fact that selling them is inevitable next time I upgrade - would 5 ft be less saleable than 6 ft? Is this nit-picking?
>>Most cable-designers have no clue of what they`re doing, they`re just making money.<<

What is your technical discipline and/or expertise to make such a misguided statement?

It's a fact that many cable manufacturers have electrical engineering, physics, and other scientific degrees so let's not jump to conclusions when speaking about other people who are far more knowledgable than thee.
" What is your technical discipline and/or expertise to make such a misguided statement?

If you haven`t realised this before I`m afraid I can`t help you mister, too bad.
One of the rasons why I know is because I`m bright enough to understand what really counts in this picture. The clue is: keep it clean, heavy and simple
Thanks for that wondeful insight Mr P. I just got back from AutoZone where I purchased two pair of jumper cables. Based on your empirical data and profound wisdom: They should really perform great, and add a macho touch to the system as well. Now- How to get these clamps onto those 5 way........
Well, if you intend to terminate two five-way speakers only by using a pair of jumpers you might think of redoing your math:P
The dynamic loss in passive speaker-cables/filter are dramatically underrated. About 98.37% off the loss could be avoided simply by redesigning filters and generally uppgrading the area of all parts involved in the circuit.
How many sets of cables do You need to set up the five-ways? 3-4 sets? A waist of money if you ask me, but you`re local salesman my disagree. Save up for another amp and put the amps right up to the speakers, then mybe you can use the jumpers too;)
I was kidding(about everything)! The Skin Effect(time/phase anomolies) generated by using cable that large(without it being constructed of "Litz" type wire) would be unbearable. Then of course: It would need to be braided to avoid inner and outer proximity effects being generated within the cable. OH- I forgot: In your universe the laws of magnetism, electrical currents and electron flow have been suspended. (ROTF/LMAO) VIVA LA Kimber 8TC(bottom)/Wireworld Eclipse 5(top-both short as possible)