Harmonic Technology Magic Link 1

Does anyone own or have experience with these IC's? How do they compare to other IC's you have tried? What are their overall characteristics? Thanks!
Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
I tried the Magic Link one. I was comparing it at the time to the Cyberlights.
I thought the Magic link cables were very good.
They had a very good all around sound with good bass and treble.
Positive-Feedback did a comparison of the Magic Link One and Two (and favored the Two). Links to these reviews exist on the HT website.
I have never used the magic link 1 but I have the
magic link II from preamp to amp & think they are
quite good. the RCA's on these cables have an adjustable grip for a nice goodentite connection.
I perceive them to be uncolored, transparent, & smooth.
I guess you could say they are "musical:/ I like them alot.
These replace Mapleshade Xcalibur Ribbons with "Plus" treatment. Mapleshades lacked bass & were a little muddy
sounding compared to the Magic link II's.
I to replaced my mapleshade interconnects with the harmonic tech. magic 2 and couldn't believe how much better they are, they are a little more then the magic 1, but they sound just awesome