Signal Power Cord with digitial components

I recently purchased a Signal Power Cord for my Audio Refinement amp and was instantly blown away by the improvement in the soundstage it gave over my stock cord. Now I am thinking of getting the digital power cord that is offered by them for my Audio Refinemnt Pre-2DSP and my future Integra HD-DVD player. I was wondering if anyone has tried this cord on their proceessor or a HD-DVD player. Thanks
Same here. I have Frank's Digital Power Cords on my Outlaw Model 990 HT Processor and Marantz DV-9600 universal player. Each replacement added to the sound and video. I told Frank that when I replaced my PS Audio power cords with his Digital Power Cords, I noticed a 2dB increase in sound in the system using my Radio Shack meter. His power cords are relatively inexpensive to purchase and will his return policy, it doesn't hurt to try and see if they do make a difference in your system.

I have a SignalCable Digital Reference powercord on my Rotel RCD-1072 player, and it has improved every aspect of disc playback over the stock cord. Highly recommended.
I have the same problem and I need the c7/c14 adaptor or to buy the PS Audio - Punch Power Cable.
anyone have any idea/experience/recommend what will be beter: the adaptor with SC digital power or the PS Audio - Punch Power Cable.

thanks in advance
I have the Signal cable digital reference pc on both my transport and processor. Significant improvement over stock and a steal for the price. Quieter backgrounds, cleaner, yet richer, less digital artifacts... all the buzz words we use for improvements; other cords are probably as good, others still better, but can't imagine better bang for the buck for such an improvement, and Frank is always easy to deal with. Happy Lissn'n.
Signiicant improvement over stock cord and another digital cord from a well known manufacturer(at 4 times the price)..have had great success with signal power cords and use them on every component in my system ,,,cam400 monos,classe 700 pre,,meridian g08,,,cdplayer and arc ph5 phono stage...