Signal Power Cord with digitial components

I recently purchased a Signal Power Cord for my Audio Refinement amp and was instantly blown away by the improvement in the soundstage it gave over my stock cord. Now I am thinking of getting the digital power cord that is offered by them for my Audio Refinemnt Pre-2DSP and my future Integra HD-DVD player. I was wondering if anyone has tried this cord on their proceessor or a HD-DVD player. Thanks
Signiicant improvement over stock cord and another digital cord from a well known manufacturer(at 4 times the price)..have had great success with signal power cords and use them on every component in my system ,,,cam400 monos,classe 700 pre,,meridian g08,,,cdplayer and arc ph5 phono stage...
Slbenz, a 2db increase in sound does not mean "better". The actual sound quality of the cable more important. I think the PS Audio Power Punch sounds better in my system.
How well does the Signal Cable Digital Reference power cord compare to the Harmonic Tech Fantasy AC-10 power cord?