Has The Maker ever seen yours?

Has a designer or manufacturer of a piece of gear in your system ever actually paid a visit and checked it out? What'd they say? Were they helpful? Or were they vague due to other brands being in the mix, etc? Did ya feel like a proud Poppa?????

I think that it would be cool.

Brad Day
Atlanta, GA
Albert, it sounds like you are host to a veritable "who's who" of audio. Most impressive! I have had several visits from Gilbert Yeung of Blue Circle - Gilbert makes a point of visiting customers to make sure things are working properly. He has always been a valuable source of information and has improved the quality of sound in my room and system immeasurably.
Brad, no I don't sell any of my stuff. I just make it because I like to do things like that, and I like to save money. But if it doesn't come out well, I try again. The things that I cannot yet make myself, I buy.

If someone made an item of my design, I would be very interested in visiting them to see how it sounded in their application. I thought that might happen with the modified Voigt Pipes I made, but no one has made them so far that I know about. I have always made my ideas and designs known here on the forum for others to use if they want. I am not profit oriented, I just like music and gear, and like to help others benefit from my experiences if I can.
Brad, in answer to your question, yes I owned equipment from the manufacturer when they visited. I still own equipment and am friends with several of them.

There are WONDERFUL people in the manufacturing end of high end audio. Crazy audiophiles like us, but make enough money to buy all the cool stuff because their own products are successful.
Almost fifty now means I"ve been around awhile. My first home was the most visited.. Late 70's early 80's. Peter Snell late of Snell Accoustics, Jon DahlQuist ya got to remember him. Matt Polk Of Polk Audio. Tom Holman of then Apt Holman and NOW... Dale Pitcher of Essence ...Brent Riehl of Sonoran Audio, Harmonic Precision, and some vino in between as well as a few BASS Ale's on the side. It has been a wonderful adventure.. Thanks for calling up the recollections... Tom..
I would say that I would buy a whole rack of Levinson, or even his newer Red Rose equipment (which I am not impressed with) if it would grace me with his presence for dinner... as long as he brings wife Kim Catrall along.

Albert, you are truly blessed to have such legends of HiFi come to your house.