20amp cord

Does anyone have any suggestions for a somewhat inexpensive 20 amp cord from my Richard Gray 600s to a dedicated 20 amp outlet? I will be using an Lexicon RT-10, B&K Ref. 50 an older Krell KAV 250A. It would be used primarily for home theater and classic rock. Thanks for your input!
Ag insider logo xs@2xeverythingbutthe
When I sold the Grays the rep said plug your gear into the wall not the Gray, especially if you have a high power amp or anything else that draws a lot of current.

I second the opinion about direct wall-plug use for the amp. A-B it, and I think you'll agree. I know I was very surprised.

DIY solid core min 13awg pc`s direct in-wall.
If then your equipment had solid in-box powercables too..