DIY solid gold interconnects?

I have an 8wpc amp using el34's connecting to a McIntosh MX130 pre-amp to an Esoteric Z500, Plus some other stuff for HT. I recently read an article about the use of single wire connects. It seems to me that the best connects would be made purely of a single 12-13g rhodium plated solid gold wire that would be encased in something else. What I do for a living would make this quite possible and easy for me to concoct, but I would like some input as to weather or not this would be the way to go.
And in case you didn't know, Johngp happens to be John Prator from KCI. Given that he also makes fantastic cables, you should definitely heed his advice!

You are on the right track, I have pure gold interconnects and they are fantastically musical and detailed. I think the Gabriel Golds use an alloy, not pure gold. The ones I know that use pure gold are the Jade, KCI and Antipodes (which are what I use). They all share similar sound qualities.
This is fantastic response folks. I am curious though, as to what differences in sound I should expect to be able to hear when I finish making them? The alterations I have done to the system as of late have had such an amazing difference. Such as a veil being lifted from a work of art. I will say that what I am hoping for would be just as emphatic claity change although I don't know what form that change will take. Fill me in? BTW Just bought the metal two days ago,,, strangely, at about 6.5 cents on the dollar, but enough metal to wire several systems. I will need to talk more with johngp about plugs at some point. I believe he must be similar to connects what SR Vaughn is to a Stratacaster.
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Keep us posted on how your project goes. You have some excellent advice here and Steve is right on the money!
