Highest component/cable ratio?

I was just thinking about the fact that the cost of cables in my system is now a very small percentage of the total value. I have found expensive cables to offer no significant advantage in numerous tests, and am still happy with both Anti-Cables, Clear Day stuff, and White Zombie.

But these budget cables do not reside in a budget system. It currently consists of an Acoustic Solid TT, Shindo Monbrison pre, Yamamoto or Art Audio amps, and Lamhorn speakers.

I do run VH Audio Flavor 4 PCs, the most expensive cables in the system, but need only two of them.

Who else out there is using the budget cabling in a relatively high-end system? The current audiophile mentality tells me these cables should be holding the system back but they do not. Unless I can't hear.
03-10-08: Newbee
John, If you don't want to hear the differences, just don't listen for them. Just run with the same set of cables/IC's and you can be blissfully ignorant (or really smart). :-)

Good advice Newbee, but it's too late now. I'll go back to 'normal' cables when I go back to 'normal' gear. If I could turn back time and just be happy with my Rotel integrated amp and cheap cables, I'd have a whole lot more disposable income right now. Which I could probably lose by flying around the world and beating up some beautiful golf courses, or maybe buying a nice boat..... :)

Hey John- I've often felt the same way: If I could ONLY turn back the clock! If I had only been born without an innate love for live music! If I only had not become a sound tech, perhaps I could be happy with Cryin'Ear Hi-Fi equipment and would have saved mega-bucks over the years. BUT ALAS: I can't turn back time, and I can recognize/appreciate the differences. Gotta bite the bullet and spend a few bucks for the satisfaction!
That first jump from the cables that came with to component to almost any quality, albeit not expensive cable is such an improvement that I can see why we get hooked. Early on, even when I was using Bose 901 Speakers I was really amazed in the qualitative jump when I went from Radio Shack's 'gold series' to my first custom cable. Of course, I also used that opportunity to untangle all of my interconnects/power/speaker cables, having been told hereabouts that is a good thing to do....

This first improvement is most certainly the single best and greatest jump in quality. After that, there are incremental improvements but I don't know about investing $2,000.00 in a one meter cable.
John, I tried, believe me. I went through Virtual Dynamics, Audience, Shunyata, Audioquest and others over many years. I have had systems costing almost twice as much. Eqipment by Pass Labs, Manley, Totem, Resolution Audio. I have tried quick A/B changes to try to pick up a difference. I have gone long term with months before swapping out for A/B comparisons. Today, I'm getting the best sound of my life with what I have now, go figure. My comments are not meant to denounce the worth of cables or those who hear differences, rather, just to state my experience. I will try other cables in the future, but right now, I don't want to mess with what works for me.
Mijknarf, consider yourself a very lucky man, I envy you. Hearing differences can have very expensive side effects. :)
