Highest component/cable ratio?

I was just thinking about the fact that the cost of cables in my system is now a very small percentage of the total value. I have found expensive cables to offer no significant advantage in numerous tests, and am still happy with both Anti-Cables, Clear Day stuff, and White Zombie.

But these budget cables do not reside in a budget system. It currently consists of an Acoustic Solid TT, Shindo Monbrison pre, Yamamoto or Art Audio amps, and Lamhorn speakers.

I do run VH Audio Flavor 4 PCs, the most expensive cables in the system, but need only two of them.

Who else out there is using the budget cabling in a relatively high-end system? The current audiophile mentality tells me these cables should be holding the system back but they do not. Unless I can't hear.
I was in Montreal, a few years back, and visited the Tenor Audio factory. Robert Lamarre gave me a demo on both his Lamhorn 1.8c, and a Kharma version ($60,000.00). The speaker wire he used in his demo room was a thin, unshielded, teflon coated 6n copper wire, simple. Robert, being at the manufacturing end, only smiled when I asked why he didn't use 'proper' speaker cables. Does he know something the rest of us don't.

I spoke with Mr. Gilmore, of Gilmore audio, ex. Atma-Sphere employee/owner. He suggested I get a few lengths of Transformer wire. Varying guages, and seperate the + and - as much as possible. This was to diminish capacitance?, inductance?. This worked, I sold my Cardas and Acoustic Zen. This is what I have been useing.

Your Lamhorns, being very efficient, would probably work best with a thinner speaker wire. Look at tonearm wire as an example. Because the signal is small, a thinner wire maintains purer harmonics, I think. Goertz recommends smaller guages of their wire for smaller amps, and only recommends their larger guages for hich powered amps.

Am I rambling?.

I too am looking at the Lamhorn 1.8c, likely with the MDB3 driver.

He`s right. Solid core copper, signalhalves separated. Effective horn-systems goes with thin thread, more hungry passive systems need (much) thicker thread.
(thick starts at 10awg;)
Thank you Palerider. I was thinking of changing my moniker to Threadkiller. Everytime I chime in, the thread dies. I think I am too 'matter of factly for most threads'.
Call me "Not the Cable Guy".

Cables are about 3% of my total system MSRP. I hear the difference but I'm never sure if I hear the truth and throwing money at an illusion doesn't appeal to me. Bigger bass, higher highs, etc. does not mean accuracy to the origional recording. Components are easier to judge.