Any new users of the Audience

This reviewer from 10 Audio gave the new AU24 "e" speaker cables the first 10+ rating of anything which he has ever reviewed.

I tried the original AU24 speaker cables out a few years ago on a completely different system from what I currently own and found them in my system to be a tad too warm for my tastes, but maybe this new "e" series might be worth a try.
I also tried the original AU24 speaker cables a couple of years ago in a somewhat different system. I also felt they were too warm for my tastes.

That is a good review though. May have to see if I can 'find' a "e" pair to audition.

It is amazes me that Audience's own site makes no mention of the "e" version.
It is mentioned in their website:

Thanks Sherod, I found the description in the "selection" class. I would have expected it to be front and center in the Au24 product description. It would also appear that they will continue to produce the old Au24 and the newer Au24 "e".
Yes, I agree that you would think that Audience would be promoting more this new "e"(enhancement) technology. They are doing some serious advertising for their new Auricap T teflon cap, however.