Looking for a very focused power cord

I've been a cable junkie for the last few years now. I've had power cords from Stealth, Electraglide, Gutwire, Argent, and BMI (and I'm not talking about their entry level cords). I've developed a nicely holographic and detailed sound. However, I recently threw a TG Audio Silver into the mix because it was cheap. WOW. It certainly doesn't have the tonal colors of the the other cords, sounding a bit plain or "solid state" but, it soundstages way better than these other "better" cords.
I'm hoping some of you audiophiles out there can turn me on to other power cords which have this ability to recreate a very well defined/outlined soundstage with pinpoint images but, has a warmer, wetter sound while still remaining in control (no bloat or smear or fat bass).
Thanks for your input. Oh, please keep the used price to about $500 or below.
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Any particular component you want the power cord to "gel" with? Based on the qualities you describe wanting, I find these qualities in the Fusion Audio Impulse and Enchanter line. The company offers a money-back return policy. As you probably know, power cords can sound differently on different components( think of the saying, "One's man's trash is another man's treasure")I'm a long-time cable junkie myself and I've gone through a slew of them( including all those which you've listed)
I have been along time fan of Ridge Street Audio and would think you should consider Roberts' top of the line Alethious power cord..If I could afford it I would buy it.If I rememebr correctly he has both Copper and Silver version..You also have the Return Policy just in case...Check out his reviews.....
I see Sherod already mentioned Fusion Audio, but I'm gonna chime in and second these cables. They are awesome! You can probably get the all copper Predator for around your desired price. I use two of them on my amp. There is absolutely no bloat or overhang with this cable, and while it won't warm things up, it won't make your system sound lean either. The Predator would probably be a better choice for you than the two more expensive Fusion power cables because it doesn't have any silver in it. You can contact the Fusion guys and arrange a home trial for little more than the shipping charges.

Alternatively, you can contact Don at DCCA and have him customize a power cable to your sonic specifications. His customizing skills are uncanny, and if you have patience with the process (shipping the cable back and forth a few times) you will be richly rewarded. DCCA also offers a money back guarantee.

Hope this helps!
