Looking for a very focused power cord

I've been a cable junkie for the last few years now. I've had power cords from Stealth, Electraglide, Gutwire, Argent, and BMI (and I'm not talking about their entry level cords). I've developed a nicely holographic and detailed sound. However, I recently threw a TG Audio Silver into the mix because it was cheap. WOW. It certainly doesn't have the tonal colors of the the other cords, sounding a bit plain or "solid state" but, it soundstages way better than these other "better" cords.
I'm hoping some of you audiophiles out there can turn me on to other power cords which have this ability to recreate a very well defined/outlined soundstage with pinpoint images but, has a warmer, wetter sound while still remaining in control (no bloat or smear or fat bass).
Thanks for your input. Oh, please keep the used price to about $500 or below.
If the Enchanter is new , it will take about 200 hours to break-in and fully flesh out. Let us know how it works in your system.
beware of the foundation rersearch lc-10. i used them with quad 63s and vtl deluxe 120s. i found the affects of these products to be analytical. unnatural detail is less preferable to a slight loss in resolution.
I own Tg Audio cord. It's very nice indeed. Recently I've replaced it with Lessloss PC. Lessloss has the qualities you are looking for.
Well, I just added a Fusion Audio Enchanter to my system.
I'm using it on my PS Audio P-600. I like what I'm hearing very much; excellent detail, very good soundstaging, and it has done away with the occasional glare I was hearing in my system.

So, I have a couple questions for those who have multiple Fusion cables. Is is worth the expense to add another of the Enchanter cables or does the Predator get you there for less $$$ and how does the source cable compare to the Enchanter?

Also, has anyone had a chance to compare the Fusion cables to the Lessloss powercords? Thanks.
I'm currently using the Predator cords on my VAC Monobloc amps. I haven't tried this cord elswhere. I also have the Impulse cord on my preamp. I tried the Enchanter there, but the Enchanter seems to work best with higher current power supplies. That's probably why you like it so much on your P-600. If your Enchanter is new, just wait until it reaches 200+ hours of break-in. You won't believe how much better it gets.