Looking for a very focused power cord

I've been a cable junkie for the last few years now. I've had power cords from Stealth, Electraglide, Gutwire, Argent, and BMI (and I'm not talking about their entry level cords). I've developed a nicely holographic and detailed sound. However, I recently threw a TG Audio Silver into the mix because it was cheap. WOW. It certainly doesn't have the tonal colors of the the other cords, sounding a bit plain or "solid state" but, it soundstages way better than these other "better" cords.
I'm hoping some of you audiophiles out there can turn me on to other power cords which have this ability to recreate a very well defined/outlined soundstage with pinpoint images but, has a warmer, wetter sound while still remaining in control (no bloat or smear or fat bass).
Thanks for your input. Oh, please keep the used price to about $500 or below.
just heard the new Dynamic Design cords and they (Spirit & Lotus)were what I would consider very "focused". Don't know what the prices are (yet), but given the shipping insurance requirements, I'd say they are within your range...very transparent, focused and balanced IMO.
I was wondering about the Lessloss and the Dynamic Design cables mentioned above. Would you consider these cables to be laid-back, up-front, or of a neutral perspective? For reference, I consider the TG Audio Silver to be significantly laid-back and the Fusion Audio Enchanter to be slightly laid back. Also, I am about to upgrade speaker cables and am looking for a very focused cable with a slightly distant/relaxed presentation. Any ideas?
Thanks for the help.
If you could tell us what the rest of your system is comprised of, since speaker cables are sensitive to the amp and speaker interaction, it would help in giving you a recommendation. What type of music do you prefer and at what volumes? Also, and just as importantly, what is your price range and do you require(prefer) biwire?

I'm not familiar with the Lessloss. IMO and in my system (Living Voice OBX-R, Wyetech Labs Pearl & Sapphire's, Accuphase DP-67, etc) the Dynamic Design Spirit & Lotus power cords mated perfectly. Very balanced tonality across the full spectrum. Extremely high resolution, but not "in your face" with no leanness (no lack of warmth). Combined together, I experienced an extreme level of ambience, that gave one a sense of being apart of the recording venue. Soundstage was perfect for me...width, height & depth...If your equipment is up to the task, I'd say they are very focused and neutral paired together. Pairing them together yields an additive effect ie: synergy. I used the Spirit on the Accuphase and the Lotus on the Wyetech Pearl.
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