Warm Interconnects

First, apologies as I know this has been asked before...a lot. I'm looking for a warm interconnect to balance out my system, but not wanting to break the bank if I can help it. I know everyone has favorites and the one I hear more often than not is the Cardas Golden Cross, but would like to find something similiar in tone but at a lower price. I've read/researched room treatments, speaker placement, etc and tried most of it, but it's the same results. I'll list my setup here, but to start I own Monitor Audio Silver 8s (last of the British made). They're bright in character already, I know (gold tweeter, but same as their gold reference line).

System is -
Benchmark DAC1 with HiFi tuning fuses fed by Shunyata Taipan Alpha Helix power cable
Musical Fidelity A308I Integrated fed by PS Audio Mini-Lab power cable
Monitor Audio Silver 8s
Shunyata Hydra 4 fed by Taipan Alpha Helix
Audioquest Bedrock 8' Bi-wire speaker cable
Tributaries .5 meter SCA-150 Silver RCAs from DAC to amp (these, I believe, are the major culprit as I hear that silver doesn't go well with solid state gear).

I'm demoing a pair of Home Grown Audio Silver Lace RCAs at the moment, but this was just to confirm silver is poor with my setup (and it looks like silver is, though the Silver Lace are an improvement).

Any thoughts are appreciated.
Thanks again for the responses. I ended up trading my Monitor Audio Silver 8's in on a pair of Quad 22L2's, which opened up things quite a bit for soundstage and got me away from the hard dome tweeter (lost a little low end slam, but the MA's were too much in that dept too). So far I'm pretty happy with the new speakers (great soundstage presentation), now just still trying to find a good IC to match with everything. Quad's finish is incredible for the price.

I also picked up a used pair of Cardas Golden Cross interconnects to try. They are initially incredibly bright, which is a suprise. Very resolving, but bright (no etch however). I'm told to let them settle, but not initially impressed as it's too much upper frequency, regardless of how clean it is. Can a used IC really take 3 days of continuous play for the HF to calm down???

Was also demoing a pair of Audioquest Panther DBS and they were much less bright, although had an annoying etch to them I didn't care for. Giving the Crosses some time to settle in, but they're revealing for being labled "warm". Had to dampen some of my isolation setup to calm down the upper HF. Next on the list is Accoustic Zen Matrix IIs...
Alright..to polish this thread off I finally ended up getting a pair of Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II's. Thanks for those that suggested them (and again for all those who had any suggestions). Much better for my setup than the Golden Crosses. Definitely satisfied.
Hi - I can 100% positively confirm that the Cardas Golden Cross are very warm interconnects - I found that using both GC interconnects and speaker cables added to much warmth in fact. They are a very musical forgiving cable - NO DOUBT about it