Anyone heard the Nordost Odin cables ?

It is truely magic.
I was totally impressed with Odin power cords.
Speaker cables sounds not really neutral for my taste.
Interconnects good, but not for that price.
But power cords was incredible! Can't live without them now and searching for used:)
I know well the sound of the combo 077 & 069. Really superb. Even if I still prefer the combo 808 MK5 with the 069. My system is a full Burmester.

With best regards,
I have a friend who has a complete Odin cable system, with Burmester and Focal Utopia3. Yes, is is nirvana at it's highest plane. But, I cannot get over the idea of having one's cables cost just as much as the gear.
A friend bought them over sounded great. We than compared them to STELTH DREAM V10. STELTH much more open faster better stage deeper wider faster bass STELTH V10 is a wonderful cable i now own them. They do take over 400 hrs to break in.
Considering cost of cables, I well remember reading about a set of cables costing £1000, in a UK mag 10 years ago. I thought, what sort of idiot spends £1000 on a piece of wire. Well a few years later, I was looking at the idiot in the bathroom mirror every morning. It is all relative, but now I think the same about $20000 cables and no, I am absolutely sure he wo'nt appear in my mirror anytime soon.

I just wonder if the guys at Nordost, Stealth etc, sit down one morning and say " Well we got away with $20000, lets see if anyone is silly enough to pay$40000 , for a cable"

Do'nt get me wrong, it's your money and as long as you did'nt rob a bank to get it, or hit a little old lady over the head, it is absolutly your right to spend it just how you want. Be honest though, do none of you Odin/indra owners not wake up in a cold sweat and think " Did I really spend $...... on a single cable"? Tell us all the truth, go on.