PC for Rowland 312 and others?

I have tried 2 power chords on the Rowland 312 switching amp:
1. Cardas golden Reference -- This appears to be the default PC often recommended by some JRDG dealers like Soundings of Denver (Co). In this application, it yields very good harmonic development and appears quite extended at both end of the spectrum. Interestingly, it does not appear to be creating the kind of idiosyncratic mellow/warmish sound associated with some of the reputation of this PC. Conversely, the same Golden Ref is not in my opinion indicated with the Capri Linestage or the PC1 Power Factor Correction unit + Capri preamp combination -- the sound becoming somewhat dry compared to Purist Anniversary or Anaconda Helix Alpha.

2. Purist Anniversary. Very surprisingly, Seems to be at odds with the 312, while yielding greater authority than the Cardas Golden Reference, it sounds both warmer and has a strong tendency of making piano overtones sounding 'jangling' (very odd indeed). Much better on the Capri+PC1 combo, it yields very good harmonic content with only very slight jangliness on piano.

It has been recently suggested that Shunyata Helix PCs may mate very well with current JRDG gear; I have only tried a Shunyata Anaconda Helix Alpha on Capri+PC1 and found it to create the most significant stage, with harmonically very complex sound devoid of artifacts and oddities. In this particular configuration, I also had the Purist Anniversary on my TEAC X-01 Limited, and the Cardas Golden Ref still on 312.

Next I will move the Anaconda to the 312 and will see what happens.

I'd be very interested in hearing about experiences with PCs of various brands/models on recent JRDG switching stereo amps (102, 302, 312), integrated (Concerto, Continuum), monoblocks (201, 301, 501), and pres (Concerto, Capri). I suspect that switching amps/pres are unique enough that common wisdom on PCs may need revising.

I admit that my own findings have surprised me. I would have expected the Purist anniversary to be a star performer on the 312, but it seems to excell in the 1st position of my chain, when feeding the X-01 Limited instead.
Hi Garebear, I'd be very interested in hearing about your findings on KS power chords if you have the opportunity of applying them to JRDG 501s. I suspect though, that the 501s may also benefit greatly from a pair of PC1 devices. In the case of 501s, I would likely give priority to twin PC1 devices before experimenting with power chords.
Guido, ......I agree adding the two PC1's will provide the best improvement in sound quality....However, I do need to start with some good power cords and then get those paid off and start to look at the PC 1's. I guess I need to become a little more familiar with what the 501's can do first.
Hi, I've just had the 2 x PC1 with Acrolink 4060 power cord with Oyaide 004 connectors added into my system (Rowland 501's). I probably have less than 20hours at the moment so I'll not comment about the setup but initial impressions were very positive. The challenge when introducing the PC1 is that you'll want to replace the short stock cords provided from Rowland to get the most out of the PC1. One of the connectors on the stock is not a standard IEC commonly found in audio gear.

I had Shunyata Taipans and then Python Helix previously but decided to go with a consistent cord throughout the chain of the Amp's. IMO, the best way to go is to keep with copper for power amps which is why I went with Acrolinks (4 cords altogether). Additionally, from a costs perspective my preference was to spend on the PC1 rather than on the cords.
Dtanclim, you are perfectly correct about the funky output connector on PC1. . . Not at all a standard connector. . . as a result upgrading the minimalistic PC1-to-amp DC chord shipped with it will be a royal pain. . . In one of my next chats with JRDG I will recommend that in some future he switches to something a little more common.
Guys....another reason why I will wait in purchasing the PC 1's for my 501's as I have heard from a few other JRDG owners of the trouble with the connections on these
PC1 's.