Cable Management

I'm looking for a way to organize my cables behind my system neatly, Has anyone solved this clutter? I have more cables behind my system then Kellogg's has cornflakes. There's gotta be a better way,
Cable management, i.e. making them neat and tidy one next to the other, is actually not conducive to good sound. Basically you don't want any cable running parallel to any other. You expecially want to separate power cables from anything carrying a signal. If you have to cross cables, then do so at right angles.

In this case, messy is best.

Hi Joey,

We have the same cables and I'm using a Salamander twin 40 rack so I have double the trouble. I have cables coming from my right & left it's actually cable madness. :O)

Bob, I may have to use the right angle theory. Thanks guys.
Hey guys, I made some headway last night, neat & tidy will never happen. I now have a well setup organized mess...
Synergistic cables do not need to be crossed at 90 degree angles because the active shield protects the cables from these kinds of interference. I surely dont hear any interference! In addition, I've had many sytems and never noticed a difference with this 90 degree rule. So if you dont have any interference I would not worry about it.
JMO, I know what you mean by the cables looking like a can of worms. I ended up putting my amps and cdp on amp stands. This way I can run the cables not only behind the stands but also underneath. Also try some cable lifters if any cables come close or contacting with eachother. BTW, the system does sound better with the equipment near the floor than a 42" rack between the speakers.