Eichmann Bayonet plugs user experience

I was going to have a new speaker cables terminated with the eichmann bayonet plugs, when the dealer advise me of this situation:

"We've found that, while there is a small reliability issue with Bayonet plugs, it's not due to the solder connection. There's a nylon shaft with a copper sheath wrapped around it and in some cases we've seen the copper shaft bend away from the nylon sheath. While we think the Bayonet is the best sounding connector for speaker cables, we do like to inform customers about this issue. But they work just fine, and we do recommend the Bayonet plugs. You just have to be a little more careful with them."

Just wonder if other users have encountered the same issue.

I used the Eichmann Bayonet Silver plugs for several months and I never had a problem with it. After using them for that long, they looked as good as the first day I got them.

They are really great. It's amazing that those little things can provide such benefit for the sound. I compared them with the Audioquest banana plugs and these were simply no match for the Eichmann Bayonet Silver plugs.

I believe that if you don't unplug them and plug them every day, they should last a lifetime.
I think they're the best-sounding bananas I ever used, though I've gone to bare wire since I no longer have to switch speaker wires to change polarity (now have a polarity switch on my preamp). When I was using them I switched them hundreds of times without a problem, which should answer the "durability" question. Good luck, Dave
I've used Eichmann RCAs for awhile and they do have a reliability problem. I've had at least two cables that had to be reterminated by the manufacturer. I've never used the speaker connectors. I quit buying cables terminated with Eichman plugs.
I just bought some Eichmann Bayonet plugs for some speaker termination. My biggest complaint and the reason I would never buy them again, is that they were extremely difficult to fit into the speaker connectors on both my speakers and amp.
The main reason I went for the Eichmann bananas in the first place is that I had such good luck with the Eichmann RCAs, of which there must be at least 15-20 in my system. Many of these have beens soldered and resoldered (with different IC cable) numerous times . I did destroy one of the RCAs (broke off the ground pin) doing this, but that was a fluke. Obviously YMMV.