How do I know if iTunes files are all 'lossless'?

Hey gang, bear with me as I know just enough about computers to 'be dangerous' -- my Q., I have hundreds of songs on computer in iTunes and also in my iPod Classic. I'm aware that songs bought through iTunes are MP3 only, but most of the CD's I downloaded over the years SHOULD be as 'lossless'.

How do I find out which files/songs/albums are 'lossless' vs. compressed MP3?

Thanks to any and all.
Go into itunes and right click on a track name. Select "get info". A window will open up that contains info about the track, including what type of file it is. Lossless files are called "Apple Lossless Audio Files". A typical lossless track will take up more than 20MB.
An easier way is to go to your main Music playlist and from the top menu select "View", choose "View Options" and click the box marked "Kind". It will then generate a column showing the kind of file each song is.

I ripped 650 CD's, only to find out I was using the wrong settings....they are all at 128 bit.

Here's the good news, when I rip them the second time, all of the previously saved data is saved (how many times played, when first loaded, amended genre name, etc) and the bit rate is around 800-1000.

The sound is NOTICEABLY better.
Bit rate and kind are great ways to find them. Then you can click on their headers and sort by them. I use this to find a few Hi Rez tracks that do not have proper track info.