Cable elevators - conventional wisdom wrong?

Reluctant to put any considerable money in them, the reasons for using cable elevators seemed intuitively correct to me: decouple cables mechanically from vibration and insulate them from the carpet's static. I have therefore built cheap elevators myself using Lego building blocks. (Plastic with a more or less complex internal structure; moreover, there is enormous shaping flexibility, for instance you can also build gates with suspended strings on which to rest the cables)
In their advertisement/report on the Dark Field elevators, Shunyata now claim that conventional elevators are actually (very?) detrimental in that they enable a strong static field to build up between cable and floor causing signal degradation.
Can anyone with more technical knowledge than I have assess how serious the described effect is likely to be? Would there, theoretically, be less distortion with cables lying on the floor? Has anyone actually experienced this?
I have so many cables that it is impossible to prevent them from touching. I do my best. Getting them off the static tile floor was the biggest challenge. The next challenge is to get them off one another.
what is the consequence of leaving the cables on the floor ?

i use boulder's foam elevators. i'm not sure they are made anymore. i don't experience a loss in dynamics.
Sabai, I don't hear any real impact of cables touching but great impact from them being on both my hardwood floors or on carpeting. As I said the greatest benefit I get is on glazed ceramics, notably the Rightway Audio insulators. I have a dozen of them. I also have four 18k volt isolators with the Rightways mounted on top of them. By themselves the big ones don't sound good, but they weigh a lot and are quite tall.

Mrtennis, as I said before, with ceramic standoffs, I hear greater clarity, dynamics, and accuracy. It is not subtle.