If it fits your budget, you may want to go with a full compliment of cables from Morrow Audio. Mike Morrow personally builds each cable and they are of good quality and design. He also offers a 60 day in-home trial, so you can try them for 2 months and return them if they don't meet your approval. Check out the Morrow Audio classified ads here on AudiogoN for information and links to the Morrow Audio site.
If it fits your budget, you may want to go with a full compliment of cables from Morrow Audio. Mike Morrow personally builds each cable and they are of good quality and design. He also offers a 60 day in-home trial, so you can try them for 2 months and return them if they don't meet your approval. Check out the Morrow Audio classified ads here on AudiogoN for information and links to the Morrow Audio site.