Stealth Indra Vs Purist Audio 20th Anniversary i/c

Hi Guys!

Yesterday I compared the Stealth Indra with the Purist Audio 20th Anniversary in my system. Because I haven't concluded on whcih one is better and I dont have enough time to compare them more can you please share your opinions on this comparison.

I'm interested only in opinions from people that have heard them side by side.


Jmcgrogan2 what you are saying is very true.
A quick guide would be valves with Indra, and tranzistor with Purist audio.
But my system is already very musical and maybe the Purist Im using right now is a bit too much. Thats why Im considering the Indra.
Argyro, I always remember the encompassing soundstage with the Indra. Nothing else has ever struck me to do this. Ultimately, I think amorphous wire has a sound and I prefer that of silver. My concern now is between the Jade Hybrid (silver and gold) and the Townshend (copper).
I want to make clear that I already have the Purist Audio Purist 20th Anniversary in my system and Im just contemplating where I should switch to the Stealth Indra.
Argyro, I understood that. I have not listened to Purist cables in ten years and no longer use Indra, but I thought I could help. Ultimately, as the first response poster said is right, namely if you heard the two side by side, only you can choose.