Spades or bananas connectors?

Hallo out there,

Which connector would you recommend me between my speakercables and my single wire speakers (Dynaudio)? Spades or bananas? The speakercables is Supra Sword.
Dynaudio is difficult for spade connectors,bananna is the best way to go with Dyns..
Audiofeil - I might never tell the difference but purists prefere crimped (not soldered) spades. I installed AQ spades by crimping and then soldering with 4% silver solder heating wire first to avoid expansion (loosing oxygen free connection). Audioquest does not solder their ICs to avoid additional metal (they weld). I know, I know - I won't be able to tell in blind test but I don't see reason not to - doesn't cost. Each small thing like that might not bring noticable change but it adds up - like peeling almost clear layers from pink sunglasses. Each peel is not noticable but eventually glasses will become clear.
That's nice in theory Kijanki and I'm glad you view cable terminations through rose colored glasses.

It all seems so appropriate.

Good luck getting to 20-20.
Damn! - I should've said "Blue glasses"

20-20 vision? You must be kidding! It's going other direction and fast.
Vandersteen used to provide only for bananas. Now, some of them at least, only allow for spades of a certain size. The only thing you don’t get is a choice.

While theoretically there may be a difference, and logically spades appear to be a tighter connection, it’s actually about surface area, not pressure. I use bananas because they are more convenient and I hear no sonic benefit from going to spades (my mit cables allow me to use either). Imho, there are just too many variables for there to be one correct answer in any event.

edit:  lol - just realized I’m posting to a 10 year old thread. Oh well...