Cables for my system?

Hey out there,

I am running around in the cable jungle, and I can't find the way out of it. I don't know wich cable way I have to go. Can you help me?

This is my setup:

Marantz SA11S1 SACD player
Pass Labs X1 preamp
GamuT D200 mk3 poweramp
Martin Logan Summit

I hope you can help me.
Nice system Rene. Help us help you though. What direction do you want your system to go in? Faster, cleaner, more transparency, or sweeter, richer and more vibrant? Also, what kind of price range are you talking about? There is no one cable that is all things to all people. However, if we know how much you are willing to spend, and have some idea which direction you want to go, we can make more reliable recommendations.

I will maximum spent 10.000 usd on cables (interconnects and speakercables).

I like a transparent and dynamic sound.
I'm not trying to act as a salesman or push you into something, but John ( Jmcgrogan2 above ) has his Stealth Metacarbon IC's and Hybrid MLT SC's, which are excellent cables, for sale right now at a good price. IF those would give you the sound that you're looking for. Just a thought to consider.

Just another note, the reason that I brought it up about John's cables is because John is very experienced and knowledgeable in the hobby.

He's helped me quite a few times before with his thoughts and advice, and I believe that he would never steer you wrong if he's familiar with your actual pieces and you tell him what sound you're looking for and hoping to find.
